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(2020/4/7) 3.5.17 Release

Main features

- Support Windows and macOS
- Search by context menu
- Auto detect file's encoding(UTF8, UNICODE, EUC-KR, EUC-JP, ISO-2022-JP, Shift_JIS, Big5)
- Found string highlighting
- Open by external editor
   Sublime text
   Crimson Editor
   Programmer's Notepad



Release notes

2020.4.07 Version 3.5.17
- [all] Improve search performance.

2020.2.10 Version 3.5.11
- [all] Not clear result list if do not find any text in files when the previously searched text exist.

2019.12.10 Version 3.5.8
- [all] Occurred crash if the quit of the app while searching.
- [win] Sometimes the list of result doesn't refresh.
- [win] Crash when click "Open by Editor" in popup menu at result list view.
- [win] When searching by Explorer context menu, paths containing Korean characters are not recognized.
- [mac] Screen freezes when scrolling the results list while searching.

2019.6.20 Version 3.5.2
- Release FindInFiles for macOS
- Improve search performance by 200% or more
- Added the option "Match words"
- Added the auto completion in the combobox
- Fixed DPI problem in Windows
- Fixed the configuration file's permission problem in Windows

2015.6.16 Version
- add privacy policy.

2015.1.12 Version
- Added function to save search result to file.

2014.7.22 Version
- Fixed crash problem.
- Fixed the problem that it is not running in Windows 7 32bit.
- Fixed invalid SciTE parameters.
- Improve the recognition UTF8.
- Support EditPad.

2014.6.24 Version
- Change ui

2003.3.15 Version
- First release

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